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I am going to break my own NO POETRY rule because its January... and February is coming freakish desperate acts are allowed, and even welcomed. I accidentally read this poem by Dylan Thomas a few years ago and have been re-reading it frequently ever since.


A process in the weather of the heart
Turns damp to dry; the golden shot
Storms in the freezing tomb.
A weather in the quarter of the veins
Turns night to day; blood in their suns
Lights up the living worm.

A process in the eye forwarns
The bones of blindness; and the womb
Drives in a death as life leaks out.

A darkness in the weather of the eye
Is half its light; the fathomed sea
Breaks on unangled land.
The seed that makes a forest of the loin
Forks half its fruit; and half drops down,
Slow in a sleeping wind.

A weather in the flesh and bone
Is damp and dry; the quick and dead
Move like two ghosts before the eye.

A process in the weather of the world
Turns ghost to ghost; each mothered child
Sits in their double shade.
A process blows the moon into the sun,
Pulls down the shabby curtains of the skin;
And the heart gives up its dead.

- sally mckay 1-19-2004 8:18 am [link] [3 comments]

After visiting the Sculpture Center in Queens this weekend, I see why Matt King picked Ross Knight in his 2003 top ten. These wonky, awkward, pretty things look more flimsy than they really are. My favourite was the ski hill-esque structure with the colourful sheen and raggedy robot-style window panel (detail below). Both works have lots of understated personality, holding their own nicely in the bleak midwinter concrete courtyard. (for a more informed review go here)

- sally mckay 1-19-2004 8:17 am [link] [4 refs] [1 comment]

- sally mckay 1-16-2004 4:30 pm [link] [add a comment]

- sally mckay 1-16-2004 8:01 am [link] [10 comments]

My bro is cool. Link to his upcoming art show.

- sally mckay 1-15-2004 5:03 pm [link] [6 comments]

(UPDATE: Heisey is exonerated and smear campaign exposed. Phew.)

Disturbing news today about Toronto police. The Police Services Board is a group who meet to oversee police actions. There is a history of power struggles between the board and the cops, with uppity councillors being bullied into quitting, and scary gut-toting Norm Gardiner ruling the roost. Alan Heisey has been a brave voice for citizen oversight on this board. In his report of September 2003 to a citizens activist group called the Toronto Police Accountability Coalition, he called for a "more civilian oriented and independent complaints [against police misconduct] system," a more specific policy against racial profiling, better civilian access to the police services board [ie: meetings not to be held at police stations], and an overall attention to the importance of independent, civilian oversight of the police. I have personally been at a community meeting where Heisey spoke out strongly that citizens with complaints or issues regarding the cops come to the Police Services Board, outreach to the community in other words, and a pretty lone voice. Good news: Heisey has been elected chair of the board. This implies a new attitude at the city, a put-your-money-where -your-mouth-is step towards reigning in rampant police [in]discretion. The Bad news: a 'memo' was just leaked in which refers to an alleged conversation in which Heisey allegedly made some offhand, yet incriminating comment about child pornography. DON'T BUY IT. This is so obviously a play for police power. Heisey has been a voice for citizens and now he's up against it and out on a limb. We gotta stick up for him.

Toronto Star Letters to the Editor
fax: 416 869-4322
One Yonge Street
Toronto, ON
M5E 1E6

Toronto Police Services Board
40 College Street
M5G 2J3
Fax: (416) 808-8082

- sally mckay 1-14-2004 6:41 pm [link] [3 comments]