GG_sm Lorna Mills and Sally McKay

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Deirdre Logue

deirdre 3
Deirdre Logue Beyond the Usual Limits PART 3 (video still)
from the series Why Always Instead of Sometimes

deirdre 5
Deirdre Logue Worry (video still)
from the series Why Always Instead of Sometimes

deirdre 4
Deirdre Logue Crash (video still)
from the series Why Always Instead of Sometimes

deirdre 1
Deirdre Logue Beyond the Usual Limits PART 1 (video still)
from the series Why Always Instead of Sometimes

Deirdre's generous website has tons of video clips like these:

deirdre 2
Deirdre Logue Always a Bridesmaid (video still)
from the series Enlightened Nonsense

deirdre 6
Deirdre Logue Scratch (video still)
from the series Enlightened Nonsense

deirdre 7
Deirdre Logue Fall (video still)
from the series Enlightened Nonsense

- sally mckay 1-07-2007 9:13 am [link] [add a comment]

Anthony Easton

Digital Photos 2006 unprinted images

- L.M. 1-06-2007 7:14 am [link] [4 comments]

virtual Milgram experiments. Yike. (thanks Rob)

- sally mckay 1-06-2007 2:37 am [link] [1 comment]

filing cabinet shadow

This is what the side of my filing cabinet looks like right now.

- sally mckay 1-04-2007 9:51 pm [link] [2 comments]

I am guest-curating the 2007 biennial for the Kitchener-Waterloo Art Gallery (KW|AG).

Are you an artist in the region (see below), or do you know someone who is? Send in a submission! Deadline is February 16, 2007.

The Kitchener-Waterloo Art Gallery (KW|AG) in cooperation with the Kitchener-Waterloo Society of Artists (KWSA) is seeking submissions for the third in a series of biennial curated exhibitions scheduled to open at the KW|AG July 6, 2007.

All submissions will be welcomed with enthusiasm.
Curatorial themes for the exhibition will be developed
from the submissions. Attention will be given to
artists who demonstrate a sense of adventure and to
those who have not previously shown work at the
KW|AG as well as to those who have. I have a
curatorial interest in the mechanics of perception,
empathy, narrative and communication, however
these are broad topics that apply to many forms of
art practice in many different ways. Any and all
artists who are over the age of 18 and are living
within the region are strongly encouraged to apply.
I am eager to see your work!

Artists living and working in the Region of Waterloo,
Perth County, Wellington County, Oxford County and
Brant County are eligible. Please provide a studio or
home address as proof of residency. Individuals
under the age of 18 are not eligible. Student work is
not eligible. Artwork accepted for exhibition must be
original and not previously shown at a KW|AG

More info and downloadable submission package here

- sally mckay 1-03-2007 10:14 pm [link] [add a comment]

Mr. Nobody (a.k.a. Tanya Read)

Tanya Read Consumed (installation) 2006

Tanya Read Consumed (video still) 2006

- sally mckay 1-03-2007 10:13 pm [link] [4 comments]