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This show is going to be good.

- sally mckay 5-25-2006 2:39 am [link] [4 comments]

Holey informational diagrams! Bee sure to check out this one.

- sally mckay 5-25-2006 2:31 am [link] [2 comments]


- sally mckay 5-22-2006 9:50 pm [link] [3 comments]

Von Bark is gonna be sparring in an art critic match at this event tomorrow night...
I am really looking forward to this. Come and heckle with me!

HELL ¥€$
Friday, May 19, 2006 8:00 PM to 1:00 AM
Latvian House, 491 College Street
tickets $25.00 at the door for non-YYZMEMBERS
If you support contemporary art say Hell ¥€$!

- sally mckay 5-19-2006 2:01 am [link] [3 comments]

big bang
"Presenting the history of the cosmos through the lens of modernist chandeliers, in a material as delicate and unwieldy as blown glass, requires an odd combination of hubris and masochism."
Interesting article in the New York Times about this piece by Josiah McElheny.
[thanks Marc!]

- sally mckay 5-15-2006 6:46 pm [link] [23 comments]

The Mods and Rockers opening last night went great, and so did the performative lectures! THANK YOU THANK YOU to artists and performers Myfanwy Ashmore, Chandra Bulucon, Susan Bustos, Rob Cruickshank, Amos Latteier, Lorna Mills, Tom Moody, John Parker, Andrew J. Paterson and Veronica Verkley for all your excellent, excellent work! The lectures were both fanstastic, and the art show (which stays up now for almost two months) really sings. For Tom and John in New York, who couldn't attend, tons of people came out and the vibe was grand! I was too high strung to take any pictures, but I will post some soonish (no fear) and I'll make a fuller report next week.

- sally mckay 5-13-2006 2:30 pm [link] [6 comments]