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- L.M. 5-05-2009 6:22 am [link] [2 comments]

All is back to normal.



- L.M. 5-04-2009 7:23 am [link] [add a comment]

Sunday - BADFINGER (courtesy of Kate Wilson)

Come And Get It

Day After Day

Baby Blue

- L.M. 5-03-2009 7:21 am [link] [3 comments]


- L.M. 5-03-2009 4:44 am [link] [3 comments]

Q: who is it?
"No other entertainer I've invested myself in has ever struck the balance between awe-inspiring technical proficiency and utter nonsense so well. She has the paradoxical effect of a retarded genius. I've repeatedly written about my obsession with ambiguous intent in pop culture. There's nothing more satisfying to me than something that doesn't announce itself as intentionally or accidentally hilarious, something that slips through that crack of decidedness and tickles my brain as it dissipates into multiple receptors."

"....she traveled on her upward trajectory during the late '70s and early '80s, like a witch who took a good half decade to learn how to use her broom..."

"...she was a one-woman non-stop show of extreme human behavior..."

"...she certainly predicted my interest (as well as the world's?) in the one-of-a-kind behavior that keeps even the glaringly untalented around on reality TV. There's something about her unpredictability and willingness to do whever the fuck that seems so relevant to my taste right now...."
A: check out this mind boggling animated gif homage at fourfour.

- sally mckay 5-01-2009 3:11 pm [link] [2 comments]

Andrew J. Paterson now has a fantastic new website with an archive of his works, video clips, writing, and more.


Fringe Online has archived sites for a whole pile of Canadian media artists: Sarah Abbott, Roberto Ariganello, Phillip Barker, Emily Vey Duke & Cooper Battersby, Christina Battle, Deanna Bowen, Colin Campbell, Aleesa Cohen, Donigan Cumming, Mary Daniel, Daniel Dugas, Franci Duran, Ellie Epp, Richard Fung, Vincent Grenier, Rick Hancox, Nelson Henricks, Philip Hoffman, Clive Holden, Mike Hoolboom, Istvan Kantor, Richard Kerr, Valerie Leblanc, Helen Lee, Deirdre Logue, Alex MacKenzie, Peter Mettler, Kent Monkman, Monique Moumblow, Midi Onodera, Andrew Paterson, Paulette Philips, John Porter, John Price, Steve Reinke, Gerald Saul, Steve Sanguedolce, Barbara Sternberg, Ho Tam and Wayne Yung. It's a really great resource.

- sally mckay 4-30-2009 4:44 pm [link] [add a comment]