german tree
tree in Göttingen, Germany

rebecca horn details
Detail from Rebecca Horn's The Contrary Concert, 1987, which is still running as part of the 2007 Münster Sculpture Project. Hammers tap away at the spiral walls of the small ruin of a 16th century prison tower while water slowly drips into the pool at the centre of the structure.

Sanja Iveković's Poppy Field, 2007, planted in Kassel's Friedrichplatz, along with the intermittent audio broadcasts of revoluntionary songs by Afghan women, as part of Documenta

kassel kiosk
pedestrian area near Kassel's old central train station

field of bicycles parked outside the train station in Göttingen

kaleidoscopeshot through a public kaleidoscope on the street in Göttingen

bus stop that says how long before the next bus shows up, and a bar in a cellar that was built, according to our server, "before Columbus sailed to America" (Göttingen)

- sally mckay 8-03-2007 7:38 pm

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