robot install

robot vid
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music by Tom Moody, graphics by Sally McKay

This Friday, April 30th (6-9pm) is the opening of a show I'm in called Robot Landscapes. I'm pretty happy with my piece, a lot of which was worked out here on the blog (see the sketches and preliminary gifs here). The show is in a series of vitrines. Each artist has been given a window, and the task of creating a landscape for a tiny, solar-powered robot. My piece is a window within a window, a small mirrored diorama running a simple sci-fi inspired animation. Viewers will don headphones and peer in at the strange little space enclosed. Tom Moody has collaborated by writing an excellent piece of music that meets the graphics in a charged-yet-ambient, abstract zone.

Robot Landscapes is presented as part of digifest 2004: On The Move. It runs May 1 to July 4 in Case Studies at Harbourfront Centre in Toronto. Participants are Wai-Loong Lim, Sally McKay, Jenny San Martin, Jon Sasaki, the teams of Kirsten White and Marc Sullivan, Magda Wojtyra and Marc Ngui, Arek Jackowski and Dorota Gelner, Magic Pony and curator Paola Poletto.

- sally mckay 5-09-2004 10:42 pm

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