Bill Schwarz
James William (Bill) Schwarz
b. 1955, New Orleans, Louisiana USA
Artist's Statement 2017
Bill Schwarz emerged from NYC's East Village art scene of the 1980’s, and participated as a founding member of the 10th Street artist run Pompeii gallery. He had solo exhibitions with galleries run by Stephanie Theodore, Philippe Briet and John Gibson – and has exhibited with gallerists including Colin de Land, Daniel Newburg, Gavin Brown. Bill’s work has also been selected for multiple projects organized by curator Robert Nickas.
With strong interests in non-objective abstraction, pop, process art, minimalism, post-minimalism and a belief in the eminence of conceptual art, Schwarz has consistently employed appropriation and borrowed cross disciplines to inform and conceptualize the formalist codes within his painted and found object art making practice.
Schwarz now resides in rural Bucks County Pa. and since 2013 has maintained a working studio at The Loom in the Port Richmond section of Philadelphia. He has participated in Philadelphia’s Open Studio program (POST) for the past four years presenting his new artworks as well as custom fabricated furniture.
Born 1955 in New Orleans, La. Lives in Bucks County, Pa. and maintians a working studio in Philadelphia, Pa.
BFA, North Texas State University, Denton Texas
2004 - Abaton Garage, Jersey City, NJ
1996 - John Gibson Gallery, New York
1993 - Stephanie Theodore Gallery, New York
1991 - Stephanie Theodore Gallery, New York
1990 - Daniel Newburg Gallery - Projects Room, New York
1989 - Philippe Briet Gallery, New York
1986 - Pompeii Gallery, New York
1985 - Das Kunstzimmer Mit Dem Roten Wand, Lucerne, Switzerland
2017 - "DOOMTOWN", PICA, Portland, Oregon
2009 - "Slough", David Nolan Gallery, New York
1998 - "Raw Idea", John Gibson Gallery, New York
1997 - "New Jersey Annual", The Newark Museum, Newark, New Jersey
Sandra Gering Gallery, New York, organized by Robert Nickas
- "21 c. Sculpture", John Gibson Gallery, New York
- "Benefit Aucton Exhibition", White Columns, New York
1995 - "1107", John Gibson Gallery, New York
1994 - "Joe's Garage", TZ Art & Co., New York
1993 - "Duh", Stephanie Theodore Gallery, New York
1992 - "7 Rooms/ 7 Shows" P.S.1, Long Island, New York with Dan Walsh organized by Robert Nickas
- "Insignificant", 10 East 39th. St., New York, curated by Gavin Brown
1991 - "Home for June" Home for Contemporary Theater and Art, New York curated by Eric Oppenheim
- "Preview 91" Stephanie Theadore Gallery, New York
- "Idiosyncrasies in the Expanded Field", Postmasters Gallery, New York curated by Laura Nash
1990 - "Real Placebo", Bennet & Segal Ltd., New York, curated by D.D. Chapin
- "February Group", Daniel Newburg Gallery, New York
- "Information", Terrain Gallery, San Francisco California, organized by Robert Nickas
1989 - "Group Show" Michigan Gallery, Detroit Michigan
1988 - "Sunrise Highway", John Gibson gallery, New York
1987 - "Summer Group I" Colin de Land - American Fine Arts, New York
1985 - "Fifth Year Anniversary, ABC NO RIO", New York
Faust Gretchen : "New York Review" arts Magazine, September 1991. pp.81
Ziolkowski Thad : Artforum, May 1996 XXXIV No.9 pp. 101-102
Mahoney Robert : Time Out Magazine, January 1996
Servart Stuart : "Art", New York Press, January 1996
telephone : 201-674-7300
e.mail : schwarzstudio(at)aol(dot)com
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