everyone's doin' it
- steve 3-29-2006 4:19 am

I still don't get it! I think I'd need to see a short film of that thing in action before I'd, you know, laugh.
- tom moody 3-29-2006 8:55 am [add a comment]

hey Steve do you live on Dekum and Durham? I told my friend Cynthia, who also lives in Portland, about you. She just e-mailed me and asked if that is where your firehouse is. I guess she may live close by if you do in fact live on Dekum and Durham. She has a little girl and would like to meet you guys. She is also a poet and musician. It could be sweet for you to meet.
- sarah 10-22-2008 5:08 pm [add a comment]

We live on 106th near off Sandy blvd.
Yeah, give her my info.
- steve 10-25-2008 4:46 am [add a comment]

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