Guest Blogging: A Bourdain Throwdown


via jaschw
- bill 2-09-2007 6:07 pm

Hilarious if you're familiar with Food Network.
- jim 2-09-2007 11:24 pm [add a comment]

his takedown of sandra lee is just perfect.
- mark 2-10-2007 7:55 am [add a comment]

- tom moody 2-10-2007 8:06 am [add a comment]

Actually, he described Rachael Ray as if she cooked when all she does is go around and eat. What's up with that?

And my complaint about Emeril is all the constant broad reactions from the audience to inconsequential or unfunny things. "Sprinkle with chives...oh yeah!" (Crowd roars)
- tom moody 2-10-2007 6:45 pm [add a comment]

rachel ray

foodie porn
- dave 2-10-2007 7:24 pm [add a comment]

Sadly, not a word about Ms. Lucy's CCCC.

"I don't like usin' too many of them spices. Just salt and pepper, and sometimes a little bit of the hot sauce."
- mark 2-12-2007 4:46 am [add a comment]

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