I can't pull up the 20 posts on vini et oilie. But spoke with Alex and he said the new posts refered to gettin' there. yes count is six pluss Tom M (if he still wants to come along. Alex will go home first and so will I where I would collect Tom in JC. Included in the 20 post thread were verbal directions for subway. If any one could copy and repost appreciate it. So meet U there @ 8 ? cool ?
- bill 3-13-2001 4:07 pm

Yes, I'm sorry about this. I can't read the long threads either. It's because of the HTML, so it's not really a serious problem - although the consequenses are pretty serious. I have a fix that works at least for Navigator on the Mac, but evidently it looks horrible in Windows. I have to get to a windows machine to see what the problem is. Anyway, if you want to give it a try, the rather dubious fix is here. If this doesn't work for you, a description of how it looks messed up would be helpful. So far I've heard that it smushes everything to the right hand side. Anybody else.
- jim 3-13-2001 4:55 pm [add a comment]

  • OK, I might have found the html problem that was causing the Windows screw up. Can somebody try this and tell me if it formats correctly for them (not whether it's ugly or not, just whether it works.) Thanks.
    - jim 3-13-2001 8:10 pm [add a comment]

    • Count me in for tonight. BTW, I have no problem reading the original 20 posts. The format looks the same as it did last night. Jim's fixed version in this thread looks different--a rightward-moving stairstep with much more exaggerated tabbing.
      - Tom Moody 3-13-2001 8:22 pm [add a comment]

  • That's a fix that works for me.

    Thanks. I don't think there should be a problem being one over.

    "The small list of wines includes some excellent choices from little-known producers, including Barbera del Monferrato from Accornero ($22) and a light but flavorful red from Ercole Velenosi($26) in the Marches. Mr. Louy eagerly makes recommendations."

    New review in this weeks New York Magazine ! As newly proud hosts, my thoughts were to allow them to dazzel us with their wines this time and request they allow us to dazzel them back with ours next time.

    - bill 3-13-2001 8:31 pm [add a comment]

    • i love buying wines from restaurants when fair $$ and interesting--sounds great--maybe one day we can bring but doesnt matter to me
      - Skinny 3-14-2001 2:28 am [add a comment]

I've seriously updated the new_discuss.php3 page. Give it a shot on that long thread. I finally saw that thread in IE on windows today and that helped me figure it out. Should actually be fixed this time. Honest. Should look the same for anyone with IE.
- jim 3-13-2001 10:27 pm [add a comment]

I don't mean to speak for the group, but I believe a good time was had by all. And if that's not true, then a good time was definitely had by me.
- jim 3-14-2001 5:25 am [add a comment]

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