There is a great cheese shop on avenue C! It's called Barnyard. I guess it is owned my a woman who also owns the wine shop right around the corner, Brixon 9th st btwn B & C. If you pick out cheese, you can then go into the wineshop and she will help you pair wine with it. Avenue C has so many empty storefronts all over the place but I could imagine it filling up with a bunch of fancy places.
There is a new Austrian restaurant on C between 6th and 7th. Edi and the Wolf. Haven't been yet but looking forward to trying it at some point.
- sarah 1-22-2011 11:45 pm

the austrian place is owned by Seasonal team, it should be very good
- Skinny 1-23-2011 1:18 pm [add a comment]

There is also a funny wine store right next to Edi and the Wolf. It seems more like a clubhouse. There is a quirky crowd of "regulars" that congregate there and have wine tastings. I don't think the wine store is on the same level as the restaurant but it does seen like an opportunity for combining interests.
- sarah 1-23-2011 3:26 pm [add a comment]

prob alphabet city wines co

- Skinny 1-23-2011 8:23 pm [add a comment]

Returned to Edi & The Wolf last night for second meal. Very good again. Definitely recommended.
- jim 3-09-2011 3:27 pm [add a comment]

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