part one: my fav green is in the market, it has a nice crunch when cooked light and it keeps the yellow flowers intact, added what could be the last of the wild asparagus and spring onions that are loosing the spring lastsupper
- Skinny 5-28-2011 5:50 pm

well the kids wanted noodles and broth so linda boiled a whole chicken and i pulled apart most of the meat into a bowl....this is flying pig apple sage sausage, some broth noodle's and the greens....not bad lastsupper2
- Skinny 5-29-2011 2:48 am [add a comment]

my phone has stopped email/net so could not send the 2nd course....ground flying pig chorizo, more greens but a focus on the crunchier asparagus/onion, more broth, chicken, noodles....the spice helped
- Skinny 5-29-2011 10:09 am [add a comment]

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