sardines from Portugal

- bill 7-10-2023 4:20 pm

a sardine maker I know sez you want to make sure your getting aged sardines

- Skinny 7-11-2023 8:55 am [add a comment]

Good to know. So tins must be past expiration ?
- bill 7-11-2023 9:35 am [add a comment]

  • FYI, tins past expiration might be prone to botulism.

    - steve 7-12-2023 12:15 am [add a comment]

This I can not say, this sardine maker pair does not tin, they have vats of old sardines.
- Skinny 7-11-2023 10:25 pm [add a comment]

- bill 7-12-2023 12:22 pm [add a comment]

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