I want


- steve 7-12-2024 12:16 am

haha. i still was hoping it was cheaper than 25 bucks for those four plates.

- dave 7-12-2024 6:51 am [add a comment]

  • what do you expect from a joint with a Michelin star?

    - steve 7-12-2024 8:03 am [add a comment]

    • im not saying its not reasonable but...

      “Back in the day, a plate of chicken rice was only RM1.20 ($0.30)!”

      also pretty sure it has the bib gourmand designation for excellence at a low price point not an actual star. here are the six starred restaurants in malaysia.

      - dave 7-12-2024 8:21 am [add a comment]

    • I was joking, the price seems high and I doubt the place has a star.
      - steve 7-12-2024 8:40 am [add a comment]

      • unlike you i was dead fucking serious. dont poke the bear, steve, because i will come at you with some cliches that will have your head spinning... on a spit, steve, on a fucking spit! and i promise you, that spit would not pass an nyc health inspection.

        not here, not now, not ever!

        - dave 7-12-2024 9:39 am [add a comment]

      • You sound more like a honey badger.
        - bill 7-12-2024 11:29 am [add a comment]

        • i mean, ok, seems like a badass in its own right but it kind of ruins my references to the tv show conversation.

          - dave 7-12-2024 11:47 am [add a comment]

        • You shitbirds need to watch the last detail. There's even a scene with a cheeseburger.
          - steve 7-12-2024 9:26 pm [add a comment]

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