guess i have been misprouncing this for some time.

- dave 10-12-2024 1:34 pm

How were you pronouncing it? I thought you had some French.
- alex 10-12-2024 4:06 pm [add a comment]

  • i lived in paris for 5 months but i never took any french in school only spanish. guess i forgot over time how infrequently the final consonant is pronounced. more like kroo set.

    - dave 10-12-2024 5:08 pm [add a comment]

    • Were you a philosophy major? I was surprised that Jim didn't have to take French in school, I thought that was a requisite.

      - steve 10-14-2024 9:43 am [add a comment]

      • i think jim was partial to the germans and if he was an actual academic would have liked to be able to read ancient greek. i was a history major. philosophy appealed to me but was either too abstract or i was too dumb or lazy or high or a combination of the three.

        both of us would have had to have foreign language upgrades for advanced degrees.

        - dave 10-14-2024 11:08 am [add a comment]

He says my pronunciation of Creuset is acceptable for english but for Le I always say "lay" not "loo"

- steve 10-14-2024 9:41 am [add a comment]

  • i think of it as l'uh.

    - dave 10-14-2024 11:15 am [add a comment]

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