I have one big mug of coffee every day. Just one, then a 12 oz can of coke and that's it for caffeine for the day. I use the same mug everyday and recently had to replace it due to a drop in the cast iron sink. Would have preferred something hand made from a pottter but went with the following in my favorite orange/red.

- bill 1-28-2025 10:39 am

if you were to guess which one youd be right

- bill 1-28-2025 10:39 am [add a comment]

  • ive had these in my cart numerous times and never pulled the trigger. my current group sucks. id take one of these and a mug to round out the collection.

    just checked make about 24 oz of coffee but for the last year or so its half reg/half decaf beans. then i can have two cups in the am and sometimes ill ice up the rest. i got those big ice cubes and my travel tumbler. shit stays cold for hours. cubes barely melt.

     last few months ive been having tea mid afternoon as well. still havent used my old china for that. feels like that deserves some loose leaf and a proper tea pot for that. and maybe not being slouched over the coffee table. in other words, its never gonna happen.


    - dave 1-28-2025 11:02 am [add a comment]

  • Also I prefer half and half , no sugar. Sometimes sugar in iced, but Demerara , not domino refined. I don't see the volume on that cup but, my mug is 14 oz. I missed the big logo version mug. Might need one more. 

    - bill 1-28-2025 11:23 am [add a comment]

    • yeah ive been on the half n half for a while. especially like the shelf life but also the fact i cant drink it straight as i might do with milk on some dark and stormy nights. i drank a ton of milk as a kid so if its in the fridge i am not averse. now i like it better taste-wise too, half n half. no sugar in anything since the early 90s.

      (meanwhile outside the window, trump is raping the country)

      - dave 1-28-2025 11:35 am [add a comment]

Assam CTC loose leaf, whole milk, no sugar.

In the summer, from what's left in the pot from the day before - whole milk, ice, sugar.

- steve 1-29-2025 12:49 am [add a comment]

I go with honey instead of sugar with tea, sometimes.  Lemon sometimes, never milk. I know Andrew got you started with milk. Brit style. 

- bill 1-29-2025 8:37 am [add a comment]

I splurge on a rare tea Golden Needles + honey (Steve allergic) + oatmilk
- Skinny 1-29-2025 10:48 am [add a comment]


- Skinny 1-29-2025 10:49 am [add a comment]

3 large cups every morning and maybe 1 afternoon (or latte, yikes loving coffee 1-2 times a week)

- Skinny 1-29-2025 10:51 am [add a comment]


ive recommended this tea doc before.

- bill 1-29-2025 11:04 am [add a comment]

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