CAC brought together key players in the Canadian cell ag community for the first time, and focused on projects that mobilized students in the Canadian ecosystem and informed policymakers about cellular agriculture. Of note was CAC’s work mapping out policy and regulatory considerations in a Canadian context. Read our latest blogpost for an overview.

“New Harvest has such a legacy in cellular agriculture. I am thrilled that they will be leveraging their track record and momentum, alongside ours, to accelerate our shared mission in Canada.”

- Avery Parkinson, Executive Director of Cellular Agriculture Canada

Canada is a critical piece of the cellular agriculture puzzle - especially in the next phases of growth for the field. As companies start to scale, they will begin buying trains full of inputs for cellular agriculture processes - primary inputs likely to come from crops produced in the Canadian Prairies, similar to the Canadian yellow peas for plant-based proteins or the oats for oat milk. Given the alignment to Canada’s intentions to diversify its economy and advance value-added agriculture, there is no moment like now to move cell ag forward in Canada.

“As one of the breadbaskets of the world, Canada is well-positioned to become a key leader in the cellular agriculture and the future of food field. It’s great to see Cellular Agriculture Canada join cellular agriculture pioneer, New Harvest, and accelerate the goal of growing the field in Canada.”

- Ahmed Khan, CAC co-founder

That’s why we’re taking root. Absorbing CAC is just one part of our international approach to advancing the global field cellular agriculture.

- Skinny 11-25-2022 4:41 pm

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