Asparagus was in season
- bill 7-18-2024 10:26 am

@ittakesaferrie The calla lilies are in bloom again #katharinehepburn #stagedoor #oldhollywood #oldhollywoodmovies #callalily ♬ Stage Door 1937 - Ty

- dave 7-18-2024 10:32 am [add a comment]

Too soon, Dave. Too soon
- steve 7-18-2024 11:11 pm [add a comment]

  • yeah, it was just the construct of the asparagus remark that triggered my memory of the calla lillies line. i didnt recall the context until after i watched it. wasnt meant to be so intentionally on point.

    - dave 7-18-2024 11:39 pm [add a comment]

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