I've had their mustard, horseradish sauce and tarter sauce. Not my favorite but i eat it pretty regularly becuse my local fish market carries it.

- steve 12-30-2024 1:54 pm

I just looked at their list. I've had a number of their products. For Chinese-style mustard, I usually just add water to a heaping spoonful of Colman's dry mustard. It's probably not skinny-approved, but if it's good enough for the Queen, it's good enough for me.






- steve 12-31-2024 3:45 am [add a comment]

  • For Chinese mustard I use left over take-out packets from egg roll purchases. Love Coleman's and occasionally use it for my version of dijonase which I use on ham and Swiss sandwiches. I grow my own horseradish which comes out of the ground hot as hell. 



    - bill 12-31-2024 9:40 am [add a comment]

Colemans is good, you happy me happy
- Skinny 12-31-2024 2:48 pm [add a comment]

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