heres the deal tho.

- dave 1-02-2025 8:15 am

White mustard?

- steve 1-02-2025 9:30 am [add a comment]

  • its the plastic, man. can you dig, or are you glass only?

    - dave 1-02-2025 9:35 am [add a comment]

    • Look at the top, clear plastic, white contents, I'm not buying it. it's mayonnaise.

      - steve 1-02-2025 9:50 am [add a comment]

      • did you even look at the side links, steve? did you? the mustard in the bowl is clearly yellow. but fine, if i have to eat 36 pounds of dijonnaise, then so be it, even it thats just mayonnaise made in dijon.

        - dave 1-02-2025 9:57 am [add a comment]

      • Greige

        - bill 1-02-2025 11:06 am [add a comment]

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