mustard war

- steve 1-02-2025 11:39 pm

i looked at the hot dog brands and was gonna say i like the boars head at the moment, the deli-style where they are all connected like old school links. apparently they had a big listeria outbreak and nine people died this past summer before a seven million pound recall. but they are now committed to food safety their home page assures.

i bought these this summer at whole foods and thought they were a step above and not ridiculously overpriced either.

- dave 1-03-2025 7:58 am [add a comment]

The subject is mustard

- steve 1-03-2025 12:43 pm [add a comment]

  • once someone posts the mustard museum twice all bets are off.

    - dave 1-03-2025 1:12 pm [add a comment]

  • - dave 1-03-2025 1:34 pm [add a comment]

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