I'm very sad to have to add a comment to my own post here, but I guess that's the way things are. Sometimes it works out and sometimes it doesn't. I gave it a chance, lord knows. I really wanted it to be good (and the food often is good,) but I simply can't go there any more. The service is horrible. And not in a "we're trying, but we're new and just don't have it together yet" way. It's bad in the "I really shouldn't be a waiting on you because I'm much more beautiful than you" way. Plus, you risk about a 30% chance of having to sit through too loud R&B music (and I'm not talking about Aretha Franklin or anything like that.) I honestly didn't think anone really listened to that sort of thing. Isn't R. Kelly just a figment of some record producers imagination? Perhaps I'm still too mad at my lunch disaster today to be writing this (no, I don't really want you to finally bring my drink along with the check,) but I'm too much of a chicken to not tip at all, so this is my protest. You have been warned. Not ready for prime time.
- jim 10-06-2000 7:19 pm

jim--i wish i was with you--remember il buco dinner!!:>)--well jim just order delivared only and give the tip to the runner and help the chef keep his job!!
- Skinny 10-07-2000 5:51 am [add a comment]

  • p.s. who is R Kelly--is that the guy whom did the old dead albums (kelly and mouse??)
    - Skinny 10-07-2000 5:53 am [add a comment]

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