I didn't mean to be too snobby about it. I've had some good bottles. It's just that it is everywhere. It's the obvious thing to have on your list.
- jim 9-14-2000 1:11 am

i just wondered because that was one of the winemakers names my dad mentioned that bought their grapes. always good to have a relative idea of a labels reputation when you have no clue.
- dave 9-14-2000 1:32 am [add a comment]

  • please note i am the snob--we are one--all is good--i left plenty o' dead shows saying that sucked and next thing you know its a head saying "man thats the best show i ever saw"--doesnt mean we should rip up all the available land to bottle plunk (there i go again)....
    - Skinny 9-14-2000 2:56 am [add a comment]

  • P.S. KJ's label reputation is very high a lot of people love the wines....
    - Skinny 9-14-2000 2:58 am [add a comment]

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