Foccaceria on 1st Ave between 7th St and St. Marks makes a killer Vesteddi sandwich. With spleen or without. $2.50
They also do a very tender cold octopus and celery salad $9.75
One of my favs is the "pizza" - Foccacia covered in a sauce of carmalized onion, tomato, anchovy and bread crumbs $2.50
The rice balls are nice, filled with a little ground meat and peas and served with marinara sauce $2.50
Too bad there aren't more places like these around :o(
- steve 10-04-2001 4:01 am

Another noteworthy tidbit. Next time you go to Ferdinando's or Focacceria and ask for a vastedda, the sandwich without meat is ordered by Sicilians as "schietta" (single-not married) -or- with meat as "maritatta" (married). I think it's a sexual 'inuendo' (no pun intended).
Order it this way and watch the owner's eyes light up being in the presence of one of the cognescenti of vasteddi.
- Vincenzo (guest) 4-13-2005 5:23 am [add a comment]

when i was a kid,focacceria was on first avenue between 11 and 12 streets.vasteddi were 10 cents.there was a back room and i ate trippa bianca there.later on price went to 25c for vasteddi.10 cents price was about 1935and i lived on e 13st bewteen a and first.good old days.
- nick (guest) 6-12-2013 9:27 pm [add a comment]

They were still up on that location when I first started eating there. I think they moved to 7th/St. Marks in about 1984 or 85? I miss that place. Was just talking about it yesterday.
- steve 6-13-2013 2:16 am [add a comment]

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