((village voice))
Bahry Fish Market and Restaurant
484 Bay Ridge Ave.
Brooklyn, NY 11220
This Egyptian fish market allows you to make a whole-fish selection, and then see it borne to the grill or deep fryer—all for a fraction of what you get charged at the Greek joints. French fries, baba ghanoush laced with pickle juice, and the merguez sandwich are also enthusiastically recommended.
Bahry Fish Market and Restaurant
484 Bay Ridge Ave.
Brooklyn, NY 11220
This Egyptian fish market allows you to make a whole-fish selection, and then see it borne to the grill or deep fryer—all for a fraction of what you get charged at the Greek joints. French fries, baba ghanoush laced with pickle juice, and the merguez sandwich are also enthusiastically recommended.
- Skinny 6-08-2009 11:53 am