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babycakes on broome --
as an adult, I was diagnosed with an allergy to gluten and dairy, and on top of that, gave up sugar. Feeling robbed of the fulfillment that baking once satisfied, I set out to recreate the classic comfort of cakes from my youth. After a lot of experimenting and research, I mastered a few recipes that I began testing on friends. When they started putting in orders, for themselves as well as family and friends with allergies, I knew I was on to something, thus Babycakes was born.
His passion of the moment is Totten Inlet Virginicas — oysters native to the East Coast (Crassostrea virginica, to the Latin-spouting crowd), whose ancestors were brought west from the Chesapeake Bay a century ago. Introduced in 2004, they are raised by Taylor Shellfish Farms in a bay that opens off Puget Sound. Mr. Rowley, who helps to market them, gives them his nomination for "the best oyster on the planet."