going out to a fancy restaurant is always fun as long as you get a good meal for your hard earned money--the only factor IMHO is the fact that people are starving in this world and what the effect is on the enviroment to procure these yummy's--that being said we had a true orgasmic meal in Bergamo Italy at the 2 star Michelin Da Vittorio--Bergamo is a beautiful town at the base of the Alps famous for thier Art History etc--thier focus is fish--everyone in the room looked like a millionaire and the room was too poshed up for my taste but the food WOW--a twisted Frito Misto to begin followed by lightly cooked Langostines with very rare Zolfino beans (this was the best dish), than a pasta with mussels and clams that was singing, into tuna with a salad and a veggie medly that eaten together blended like no other i,ve tasted--we drank 92 Chambolle Amourese by Vogue followed by 90 Drouhin Charmes into 85 Daumas Gassac for the 2nd best cheese course in my life, all of them ripe to purrfection and had fruit sides that just rocked--than the fun began--a campari jello with white chocolate froth, followed by rich little multitextured treats and a Moscato from the island of Pantelliera--we were so happy and content but it didnt end--a roasted herbed pineapple came out which they served with some sauce sided with a hot pepper cake--well we said enough NOT, next they removed the flowers and put down a bouquet of lollipops some flavored marshmellow and others were hard and made from mint with red pepper, than they covered the table with little treats everwhere the best being these little balls that explode when you eat them filled with sambuca and coffee beans--i must go back but only after i donate many times what was spent to Oxfarm, Unicef, Earth Island etc.....
- Skinny 4-09-2001 12:11 pm

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