Did I mention this already?

If you are a page owner you can turn on 'substitutions' near the bottom of [editpage]. With this on you can add post, editpage, and create links in any permanent text area (left text or top text for 2 column table pages) by putting


into those permaent text areas. These will be replaced with post, editpage, and create links only in those cases where the visitor has those specific powers. Other visitors won't see anything.

To force a line break after each one add a * to the end like:


So this line will make the three links one on top of the other for people that have those powers, but won't make anything for people that don't:


Not a big deal, but it can be useful to get those links closer to the top of your page so you don't have to scroll to the bottom navigation line.
- jim 5-03-2002 8:44 pm

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