I'm going to start deleting references to unread comments that are more than one month old. (Right now if you don't read comments on a page, and that page is listed on your homepage, the new comment count just continues to grow without end.)

Any objections or problems with this? Should it be longer than a month?
- jim 3-20-2003 12:36 am

Sounds reasonable to me.
- tom moody 3-20-2003 1:09 am [add a comment]

I think 6 weeks would be better. It seems possible that some people may be away on vacation or just away from a computer for one month.
- steve 3-22-2003 10:15 pm [add a comment]

...or are hiding out on the left coast.
- bill 3-23-2003 10:03 pm [add a comment]

  • I don't think either coast is a good place to hide, what with NJ's chem plants (we've got 'em too) and N. Korea's probable capabilities of hitting the west coast with nukes.
    It's weird here, helicoptors hovering over my neighborhood night and day, got three of them out there now.
    - steve 3-25-2003 8:27 pm [add a comment]

  • New Zealand is the traditional safe haven for survivalists. Too far out of the way to get into trouble, and nice comfy sweaters.
    - mark 3-25-2003 11:52 pm [add a comment]

    • Really? Does the NRA have a chapter there?
      - steve 3-26-2003 5:31 pm [add a comment]

      • ;0p wink wink, har har.
        - steve 3-27-2003 5:45 am [add a comment]

    • Don't know about the NRA. During the Cold War, New Zealand was seen as favorable due to it's isolation from likely fallout weather patterns. Low budget survivalists probably looked more to the Nevada-Oregon-Idaho region of the US.
      - mark 3-27-2003 1:02 am [add a comment]

    • maybe im being shortsighted but its not called the international rifle association. didnt stop the nba from reaching across the border though.
      - dave 3-27-2003 1:15 am [add a comment]

    • I guess my jokes are pretty lame. I'm gonna have to start using emoticons
      - steve 3-27-2003 5:44 am [add a comment]

    • not earthy enough, needs more tannins.
      - dave 3-27-2003 6:16 am [add a comment]

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