The music system is getting the same makeover the image system got. We are still stuck with the FTP upload system for now, although it looks like I'll be able to automate it at least for OS X people. But as long as you are comfortable with an FTP program, it's extremely easy. And really more powerful than [upload] since you can set your ftp program to upload directories of files ([upload] still works the same as before, just to be clear.)

Once you have files in your directory on the ftp server - ( where n is your user id - you now go to:

instead of /music_sync/.

Basically it does the same thing, except now it is much smarter, and it puts your files in the new /library/music/n/ location. The /sync/ script can handle most files provided they have the proper extension. Feel free to FTP .jpg, .gif, .mpeg, .ogg, .swf, .png, .wma, .avi, etc... files into your directory. /sync/ will grab them and put them in the right place. If it's an image it will add it to your 'complete list' of images. If it's a music file it will add it to your 'complete list' of music. If it's a movie file it will at least put it in the right place, although the /video/ system isn't built yet (but since it's almost exactly the same as /image/ and /music/ it should be easy.)

- jim 3-14-2004 11:46 pm

Looks good, I'm looking forward to playing with this. One thing I noticed is the far left link in the table of my music files doesn't take me to an "edit file" page, so I could delete or rename something. I haven't uploaded anything because I'm at w*rk.
- tom moody 3-15-2004 3:23 am [add a comment]

Yeah, that page doesn't exist yet. Soon. I got distracted trying to extract the id3 tags from mp3 files. Doesn't seem like I can do it yet. But I'll make the editmusic page.
- jim 3-15-2004 3:35 am [add a comment]

How about php?
- mark 3-15-2004 7:24 am [add a comment]

That would work on my stock PHP installation. Not sure it's at the top of my priority list though. ;-)
- jim 3-15-2004 4:15 pm [add a comment]

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