Mark, can you hurry up and become and expert in all this? I can already see that your CSS knowledge outstrips mine. It will probably only be a few weeks before your PHP knowledge does as well. Let me know when you want a .tar of all the source!

In other news, I have just discovered the 'show status' command in mysql (in command line mode.) This should help me monitor the situation and see if MySQL is actually the culprit as I suspect.

Interesting to note that since the server was rebooted an hour ago the MySQL server is averaging around 4 requests per second! Damn computers are amazing (I'm sure that's not even a high number, but it seems high to me.) Each page request from a surfer generates tens of MySQL requests, so I'm not saying apache is serving 4 pages a second - the load is much smaller than that.
- jim 6-23-2004 10:05 pm

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