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As might be expected, the /log script was not operating exactly right. I believe that it was O.K. if you had the logs completely on, but it definitely wasn't working right for either of the other two 'on' possibilities (logs (but not you) and logs (but not members).) It was recording the hits, but it wasn't displaying correctly in the new dratfink inspired 1/10 style where the 1 means 1 new hit since you last checked your logs out of a total 10 hits from the given referer.

Possibly it wasn't working with the complete log option either. I'm not sure.

In any case I'm pretty sure it's working correctly now.
- jim 7-28-2001 5:37 pm [link] [add a comment]

Been playing around with the /log pages. Instead of just showing every hit, now it displays refering pages ranked by the frequency of referers (I know I keep spelling 'referer' wrong, but that's because it is misspelled in the W3C spec, and now everyone misspells it that way.) These totals are true for the time range specified at the top of the page (max 30 days, but they haven't been on that long.)

If you have turned the logs on (through /editpage) then the system is keeping track of every hit to your page. But now there are more options in /editpage for how you want these results displayed. "No logs", obviously, doesn't keep track of anything. "Complete logs" tracks and displays every hit. "Complete logs (but not you)" tracks every hit, but doesn't count hits by you in the tally. "Complete logs (but not members)" tracks every hit, but doesn't count hits by any members including yourself. Switching back and forth between any of the three versions of logs won't change the totals, just how those totals are reported.

The system is set by default to only keep records for 30 days. It checks for and purges any older records every time you look at /log (after you look though, so if you don't look for some time you will see everything on the first look, and then only those within one month afterwards.)
- jim 7-27-2001 6:59 pm [link] [5 comments]