...more recent posts
Just FYI:
The fix I institued yesterday should also fix the problem with google not indexing anything but the front page. Not sure how long it will take them to follow the links out to the individual pages, but it should happen. Faster for those pages that are linked from elsewhere.
I think only Alex and I were doing this, but I might have told others awhile back to use /getpic.php3?id=xx for posting images instead of the old format /getpic/xx. Well, now we are back to the original /getpic/xx format that most people have been using anyway. I've converted all image posts to the new (old) format, so you don't have to do anything except continue (or go back to) the /getpic/xx format for posting photos. Confused yet?
A few problems this afternoon around 2:30. Should be fixed now. This was a temporary situation as I put the "big fix" in place that should (I haven't been able to confirm yet) fix the massive problem with some versions of IE and Opera on the MacOS. Let me know if you notice anything screwy. Thanks.