...more recent posts
All searches (regular and advanced) will now return a maximum of 50 results. If there are more it displays the 50 and advises that there may be more and you should try to search for something more specific. This is to guard against people searching for nothing (or 'e') and taking too many system resources to return every post from a specific page (or the whole site!)
Is 50 a big enough number?
Also all searches were updated to not return 'preview' or 'pending' posts even if they are matches (already they were smart enough not to return matches from private pages - unless you are subscribed to a particular private page in question.)
A few momentary outages today as I kept breaking things. When posting you can now set the post to 'pending' in addition to 'preview'. If you choose pending you must enter a publication date in the 'pending date:' box. This date has to be in the exact format
yyyy/mm/dd 24:00
Thats the full 4 digit year followed by the two digit month (01 = january) followed by the two digit day (01 for the first of the month.) Then one space, then the 24 hour east coast time (16:30 = 4:30 pm eastern time.)
The post will be invisible until that time, at which point the following page load will publish the pending post. The 'posted by' footer will contain the date and time you entered into 'pending date:'.
If a page is set to notify userland (weblogs.com) you will now get a check box on the [edit] screen allowing you to selectively notify userland on [edit]s. This would be necessary, at least, if you make a preview post (which won't nofity userland, even if you have your page set to do so) and then change it to a regular post in [edit] to actually publish it. In that case you can check both the 'treat as new post' box (which will notify the front page that there is something new) and the 'notify userland' box.