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Thanks to Alex for finding a somewhat subtle bug. If you tried to move a page by changing the path in [editpage] (which is how you would move a page) and you changed the name to a longer but otherwise similar name (from /test/test2 to, say, /test/test234567) the system would get confused. And that's putting it mildly. Should be fixed now.
- jim 11-23-2001 10:30 pm [link] [add a comment]

In [editpage] you can now switch from the 'standard template' to 'use your own HTML'. If you choose to do this you must make the change to 'use your own...' and then come back to [editpage] a second time and you will see some different options including two new posting boxes (textarea boxes) one labeled 'Opening HTML' and the other 'Closing HTML'. When your page is requested the system will print out 'Opening HTML' followed by your currently active posts from the database, followed by 'Closing HTML'.

As of now the posts from the database are printed as rows in a table (where each row has one column) so it expects a <table> to already be set, plus that it will be closed (</table>) in the 'Closing HTML' (along with </body> and </html>.) I think I'll take out the table in the future and just seperate the posts with <p> tags.

Also there is no way yet to create a 'use your own HTML' page from /create. I'll add that tomorrow. Right now you'd have to create a regular page and then change it in [editpage] (and then go back to editpage and add in the HTML!)
- jim 11-23-2001 9:34 pm [link] [4 comments]

Occasionally, for some as yet unknown reason, the system will screw up and think you have an unread post or comment on a page where you do not in fact have any unread posts or comments. I'm working on trying to make this never happen, but in the meantime I've changed the subscription script so that if you change your subscription to turn tracking off it will clear out all unreads for you associated with that page. Then you can turn tracking back on and it will start keeping track for you again. Note that this works from the individual subscription pages (so from /schwarz/subscriptions in this case, not from just /subscriptions.)
- jim 11-23-2001 6:34 pm [link] [add a comment]