I'm running Netscape Communicator 4.5.
When I enter the site there are no new-post/comments counters. When I go to the log in page I am greeted with "hi steve" at the top of the page, but until I enter my password and log in it will not display the new-post/comments counters.
And the font size on my system is so small that it hurts my eyes. 1 vote for bigger or customizable.
- steve 6-01-2001 4:46 pm

Oh yeah, the counters do seem to be working once I log in. Maybe I was in error about them not being accurate...
I just logged out, erased the cookie from every computer which had it then logged back in. "Hi Steve" was absent from the top of the log in page but all went accordingly. I quit the program, relaunched it and entered the site. No counters were visible. I went to the log in page, was greeted by the "hi steve" sign, logged in and the counters appeared displaying my morning's previous lurkings.
- steve 6-01-2001 4:57 pm [2 comments]

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