...more recent posts
FYI, the "A" commands for colorizing links in the style sheet now picks up all A-type tags. I'm using A NAME tags all through the Doris Website and Weblog as targets, and had to change each one by hand because it was colorizing the headings.
The pic on email from NOLA doesn't show. Is it just my browser or is that the case for everyone?
Hanging comment on Artifax. I've forgotten how to deal with them. Or is that something Jim has to do?
The home page listed 4 comments under Tom Moody's page. I clicked on and was lead to the thread. I wanted to see the original post so that I could place the thread in context but didn't see the "top of this thread" option. Why is this option not available when going straight to comments? (or did I just overlook it?)
i think the homepage should have a search box. also not a fan of the CINEFILES under the picture on that page.
Jim, I tried switching my comment style to "straight comments." When I go to add a comment to my page, I get the "threaded-with-posting-box" style, but with only the first comment showing above the box.
I've noticed that all pages using the posting box for comments seem to eliminate threading--at least in terms of the indented text. That's OK with me: I actually prefer fat columns to progressively skinnier columns. In fact, I'll probably just choose the "threaded-with-posting-box" over "threaded" for that reason.
i seem to have lost the ability to have a preset post template for posting to dratfink. did you disable that capability? if so, can you reenable it if possible?
went back to settings, page wasn't blank, I just had to scroll down awhile to get to the first option. Problem solved. I've tried to erase my tracks. Please don't tell fink or big jimmy what I said about them.
Pics on dmtree are not loading. I logged out and back in but no luck. All other sites w. pics are working. What gives?
Regarding Steve's query about adding a "preview" feature to the add-a-comment box (I can't find his question so I'm putting this here):
I'd say that would be a luxury, and I don't feel a super-strong need for it. If other people do, then I'd say it's fine for log-ins, but not for non-logged-in posters. I'm trying to encourage outside posts, and I'm afraid that too many options or instructions might be daunting. Someone not familiar with the system could inadvertently put up a "preview" or a "pending" and think they've actually posted, or get frustrated when their post didn't appear.
I just deleted the systemnews/help page! I wrote the post below in preview mode on that page originally. When I switched to "regular post," the post and everything preceding it disappeared. I hope it's all retrievable.
I used the use-your-own-html feature to create the first of two thumbnail pages for my Doris Piserchia cover gallery last night, and I'm pretty happy with it. As you can see, Jim, I treated the page as a blank slate and dumped everything into the "opening html" box. I don't have footers, edit capability, or a navigation bar at the bottom, but for this type of page (non-posting) I didn't really need them. The links at the bottom take you back to digitalmediatree and the DP Site, and I used /editpage at the end of the URL to edit. I created this page on the tree rather than the @home server partly to try out the html feature, but also, frankly, because I would have been up all night creating the same pages and loading them onto @home. Their ftp requires that you log out and log back on for every page or image transferred!
The jpegs are a bit larger, memory-wise, than I'd like--it's always a balance between clarity and speed. That's another reason I didn't want to split the cover gallery between a slide show on one server and thumbnails on another.
Just for future reference, what is "closing html" for? Is that where the navigation bar goes? If I copied the navigation bar from your html, would that incorporate the "invisible to non-members" (or not) aspect?
I tested the new add-a-username-to-the-comment feature on treehouse. It works fine. Thanks, Jim. One comment: putting "not signed in" after the username may make the guest wonder how he or she can sign in. At worst, s/he will waste a lot of time clicking around trying to figure out how to sign in (and there's nothing on the site that really explains how); at best s/he'll feel left out. I'm not saying we need more instructions--just the illusion of democracy.
I still have to log in each time I enter the site if I want the counters displayed....oh well, I'm finally begining to memorize that tricky password.
And rumor has it that there is some page called "core" or something like that. What is that page all about?
The font size for "posted by....." at the bottom of each post is so small that I have a hard time reading it.
Also, for some reason I have to log in each time I visit the site and it seems as if it is not recognizing that I've been there. For instance, Treehouse is listed as having something like 17 new comments, only 4 or so of which are new since my last visit. I have my program set to accept cookies and when I go to log in it says "hi steve" at the top of the page, so it is recognizing me.
I do like the upgrade very much though.
where if anywhere is ye old referrer page? i had to run across a link to fink on booknotes by accident. thats just shameful.
Can I get edit-a-post capability for this page, artifax, cinefiles, and treehouse? Also, can I get edit-a-page capability for artifax and cinefiles?
The windows for composing posts are enormous! I'm not sure you want to encourage such a verbose group. Actually, I'd prefer a composing window that breaks more naturally. I lose my train of thought having to scroll back on such a lengthy line of text. This post for example, is all on one line (pre-posting) and hasn't even reached a line break yet.
Nesting is working fine on Netscape and IE; the only glitches are some missing horizontal breaks between comments. For example, my first comment in the Greatest Tree Debate butts into Bill's.
I'll lead things off by noting that the [new comment] links from the front page are not working. Now that the comments are nesting I will enable this. Right after I get back from breakfast.