...more recent posts
how hard would it be to build a swanky aggregator like this for dmtree? is that a regular manila feature? i think i signed up for one of the aggregators cant recall which but i havent loaded it up and used it. winers layout looks pretty "readable."
how hard would it be to add the option that if the dmtree.com page was open it would automatically refresh when there was new content on a page?
Hey, Jim, I was just looking over Bill's shoulder at his new Powerbook and noticed a Tree design glitch on Safari. The horizontal line over the bottom-of-the-page navigation buttons isn't centered but pushed all the way over the left. This is only true on the individual Tree pages, not the [home] page or comment pages.
On a slightly related subject, I noticed that Safari fuzzes out the enlarged animated gifs I posted on my page where they're super sharp on "IE for the Mac." When I was staying at my brother's and had a choice between Safari and IE, I always switched to the latter after a while and got generally better service. Just commenting for the record here, not because I love Bill Gates but because facts are facts.
Why not bring back the advanced search option (say at bottom of home page?) At home I've got it book marked, but when traveling I miss it.
the latest post i show on my page in 22988 about the beads from 8/4 - my archive lists all the posts since then but clicking them archive link gives me a blank page / any idea wuzzup ?
jim, the post button in dyinginstereo needs to be updated from musicblog to dying....
jim, i noticed you took "music" off the dmt taskbar which is fine but there should be a link to it on the musicblog page.
also, is there any way to make some posts on the page for the subscription-only crew while opening the page up to whomever otherwise? sort of hidden links.
also i nominate dying in stereo as the name for the music blog. all in favor? all opposed?
I getting "no match" messages on almost every red new post, or comment, that I click.
I'm finding that not everyone gets that [link] is only meant to show the URL of the post. One person told me he was expecting a dialogue box to appear showing how to link to a post from his page, or something, and didn't get that it was just so he could look at the address bar and see the URL. I can explain it in my FAQ, but would it make sense to use [url] instead of [link] for this feature? Even if someone doesn't know what a URL is, at least it's not creating expectations, because it's a noun instead of a noun/verb. The other alternative would be to keep [link] but actually have a page appear when you clicked it that said something like "The URL for this post is _________________. Feel free to copy and paste for use as a hyperlink."
Jim, is the Scooter bot back? Something's hitting the "log (but not you)" referer page pretty hard, going through the archive page by page, and I see Scooter listed in useragent. I remember you decided to zap it some point.
Lots of doubled posts today.
jim - my home page was screwy this am. pages missing and some new ones added. did anything change? not sure what i'm missing.
Hey Jim, I've forgotten how to post a picture along with a comment, can you remind me?
Hey, Jim, I just noticed that when I upload a picture it is listed twice under "complete list"--all the info (number, title, size, etc) is completely duplicated. This may mean each upload doubles the amount of bytes for each picture, I'm not sure. When I delete a file it deletes "both" files.
Often when I try to post it takes many minutes before I get a message that dmtree could not be contacted. Later I see that the post did go through. Anyone else having this problem? I've been using I E 5.2.1
I guess it's time to get Mozilla 1.1
Logging in has been goofy since the last update. The system behaves differently depending on what computer I'm on. Currently it doesn't exactly recognize my cookie although it will let me access the index, from where I can view core then when I hit the home button viola, my settings appear. The good news is that I was able to do this through netscape on this computer.
Bring back the advanced search. As far as I can tell, the current version does not search comments.
OK, I'm in. I forgot that through mozilla I can log in. I am not able to log in when using netscape communicator or netscape 6 on any computer I have tried. It has been this way since your last overhaul of the site. I think i mentioned it to you awhile back but didn't pursue it since all works in Mozilla. I threw away the magic cookie as per your instructions and still no luck via netscape.
I haven't been outside today but so far it's nice to be back.
I know you've been busy, just a reminder that we had discussed a "leave selected comment/post as unread" function.
Me again. Can you add a "top_text" box to the "1-column page" editing template?