I've been meaning to get up to speed on VoIP, but haven't really ever found the time. I know Skype must be pretty easy, but again, I haven't ever used it. There has just been some barrier there for me, and I'm generally a pretty early adopter of on line technology. But MagicJack sounds like it might be lowering the bar enough for me to take the plunge.
- jim 3-20-2007 5:47 pm

I know several Skype addicts. It's not as reliable as conventional telephony, so it's nice to have a mobile or landline to fall back on. But when it works, the sound is awesome. In a conference room with external PC speakers it puts Polycom (the standard in speaker phones) to shame. Not really Polycom's fault -- it's about bandwidth. Kinda like FM radio v. AM radio.

The most addicted of the Skype addicts can sometimes be seen walking around carrying his laptop up to his ear like a mobile phone.
- mark 3-20-2007 11:25 pm

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