"DVD Jon" Cracks iPhone Activation, Kinda

- mark 7-07-2007 12:47 am

Way past that now, and it's going fast:

<gj> MAJOR announcement
<gj> and I do mean MAJOR
<gj> we now OWN serial on this device
<gj> documents coming shortly
<gj> the significance of this
<gj> is that we can now probably access the baseband of the radio
<gj> and issue our unlock commands though we are a little ways off
<gj> please be patient and do NOT interrupt anyone
<gj> thanks

- jim 7-07-2007 1:40 am

Here's a thread which is sort of like a play by play of what's happening in the IRC channel where the hackers are at work. Pretty interesting. Seems like they are making good progress.
- jim 7-07-2007 2:22 am

The cracks have kept coming at a furious pace. There is now a full tool chain and the complete ability to load software onto the iPhone, including changing the home screen. And just now it seems like, according to engadget, the last wall has been breached: "we can confirm with 100% certainty that iPhoneSIMfree.com's software solution completely SIM unlocks the iPhone, is restore-resistant, and should make the iPhone fully functional for users outside of the US."
- jim 8-24-2007 8:43 pm

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