The greatest poet hardly knows pettiness or triviality. If he breathes into anything that was before thought small it dilates with the grandeur and life of the universe. He is a seer...he is individual...he is complete in himself....the others are as good as he, only he sees it and they do not.
- Walt Whitman 11-24-2004 3:02 am

The others are as good as he, only he sees it and they do not.
He wears a conical hat and stands in the corner of his time out hoping they will notice or not. Of course he was a bully, of course he was showing off, but don't tell him he could not feel what they were thinking. Are they showing off or bullying less than he ? Is acceleration not pure? Besides, between the OCD & narcolepsy, are you sure his intent was discernable. Are you even sure it's him...the black keys...photons...the weak force...harms way...a bee.

- Plankton (guest) 11-24-2004 3:18 am [add a comment]

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