Shinshi and Ohta at Narita Airport (with a few unscheduled takeoffs). From Patlabor: The Mobile Police. This file is at 109K [UPDATE: I corrected some of of the wobbliness in the framing]. In the comments to this post is a cleaner (330K) version of the file, which is truer to the source DVD. There is probably some easier way to convert DVD clips to animated .GIFs than the frame by frame reconstruction and compression I did. Let's just say I learned a lot about this 1 and 1/20 second of video.

- tom moody 12-30-2003 1:50 am

Here's a better version. 9 frames instead of 7; better color; but a whopping big file (330K).

- tom moody 12-30-2003 1:54 am

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