Sketches, recently animated, based on the movie Blade 2. Stills/movie review here. - tom moody 1-11-2004 9:05 am
Screamville!!- sally mckay 1-12-2004 5:24 am
If Ron Mueck would do something this gross I might like it.- tom moody 1-12-2004 7:41 pm
Oh hell yes.- jimlouis 1-12-2004 8:08 pm
Sketches, recently animated, based on the movie Blade 2. Stills/movie review here.
- tom moody 1-11-2004 9:05 am
- sally mckay 1-12-2004 5:24 am
If Ron Mueck would do something this gross I might like it.
- tom moody 1-12-2004 7:41 pm
Oh hell yes.
- jimlouis 1-12-2004 8:08 pm