Blogger Lindsay Beyerstein went to Austin, Texas with her camera and took these photos of Tom Delay's "perp walk." Obviously this alleged money launderer and still active former U.S. House Majority leader was advised by his attorney, shyster Dick DeGuerin, to keep a shit-eating grin plastered on his face at all times. Believe it or not, all of the supposedly sophisticated government honchos and media DC personages have been genuflecting to this redneck for years. Common criminal trash--sorry, alleged common criminal trash--and he's still running things in the House. Enjoy his humiliation, but it's not like it's had any effect on his career.
Maybe he huffed too much bug spray before he went to get booked.
According to the indictment paperwork, his middle name is "Dale".
I wonder if his wife gets "migraines".
Blogger Lindsay Beyerstein went to Austin, Texas with her camera and took these photos of Tom Delay's "perp walk." Obviously this alleged money launderer and still active former U.S. House Majority leader was advised by his attorney, shyster Dick DeGuerin, to keep a shit-eating grin plastered on his face at all times. Believe it or not, all of the supposedly sophisticated government honchos and media DC personages have been genuflecting to this redneck for years. Common criminal trash--sorry, alleged common criminal trash--and he's still running things in the House. Enjoy his humiliation, but it's not like it's had any effect on his career.
- tom moody 10-21-2005 10:09 pm
Maybe he huffed too much bug spray before he went to get booked.
- Abraham Kalashnikov (guest) 10-22-2005 2:08 am
According to the indictment paperwork, his middle name is "Dale".
I wonder if his wife gets "migraines".
- mark 10-22-2005 2:40 am