Animated GIF sketchbook, again
Animated GIFs (for eventual videos) based on time lapse documentation of the making of the above works (the animations are still sketches and will change somewhat):
Animated version of image on left (new): [2.7 MB .GIF]
Image on right (previously posted): [2.6 MB .GIF]
looking foward to seeing it in person
Animated GIF sketchbook, again
Animated GIFs (for eventual videos) based on time lapse documentation of the making of the above works (the animations are still sketches and will change somewhat):
Animated version of image on left (new): [2.7 MB .GIF]
Image on right (previously posted): [2.6 MB .GIF]
- tom moody 8-13-2006 10:20 pm
looking foward to seeing it in person
- anonymous (guest) 8-14-2006 7:45 am