"Clip City" [mp3 removed]
I have posted this tune several times--it's kind of my "learner."
This version I'm calling self-"mastered" because I used some compression and reverb plug-ins to give it a fuller sound. I finally took a minute to learn how to use Send effects in Cubase, so I could automate a "wet/dry" parameter on the Sidstation track. Doing so converted that track from mono to stereo (sort of) and added reverb that comes and goes while it's playing. Also, I now know to put the compression "limiter" setting at the Master gain so the sum of all three tracks never goes above -.2 db. D'oh. Each track (drums, Mutated drums, and Sid) has parametric compression that both compresses it and boosts EQ on the mid-level frequencies. [/music diary]
next time we have a party, it's gonna be all moody!
fillin' up the itunes, kiiiiiiiiid
Thanks, much appreciated.
Also, thanks to jp and pd for helping me with the "mastering" issues.
I use it in quotes because I haven't mastered mastering.
right on
"Clip City" [mp3 removed]
I have posted this tune several times--it's kind of my "learner."
This version I'm calling self-"mastered" because I used some compression and reverb plug-ins to give it a fuller sound. I finally took a minute to learn how to use Send effects in Cubase, so I could automate a "wet/dry" parameter on the Sidstation track. Doing so converted that track from mono to stereo (sort of) and added reverb that comes and goes while it's playing. Also, I now know to put the compression "limiter" setting at the Master gain so the sum of all three tracks never goes above -.2 db. D'oh. Each track (drums, Mutated drums, and Sid) has parametric compression that both compresses it and boosts EQ on the mid-level frequencies. [/music diary]
- tom moody 1-12-2007 10:16 am
next time we have a party, it's gonna be all moody!
fillin' up the itunes, kiiiiiiiiid
- j in jc (guest) 1-12-2007 7:09 pm
Thanks, much appreciated.
Also, thanks to jp and pd for helping me with the "mastering" issues.
I use it in quotes because I haven't mastered mastering.
- tom moody 1-12-2007 8:45 pm
right on
- Thor Johnson 1-12-2007 9:06 pm