YouTube of Ryuichi Sakamoto and his wife Akiko Yano playing an old YMO standard together at the piano. Back in the day I couldn't get my sophisticated record collecting friends interested in YMO or Sakamoto. They just couldn't go there. I'm glad to see that people are still discovering them/him through the Net or what have you. [/self pitying reminiscence]

What I'm listening to now: Barbara Morgenstern. The Grass Is Always Greener, Nichts Muss, Fjorden are the ones I've heard. Kind of Slapp Happy-era Dagmar Krause meets To Rococo Rot but an original songwriter as interested in texture as tonality. The "transposition queen"--you never know where her key and chord changes within a song are going to take you, but it's not meandering, it's completely focused and intentional. Lyrics in English and German, alternating.

- tom moody 3-29-2007 8:03 pm

I'd thought all versions of this had been deleted... thanks!
- Travis (guest) 3-30-2007 12:36 am

Looks like someone in Japan posted a link a few days ago, then wizardishungry, which is where I found it. It's great--sorry to hear others are being removed in the great "if you want to have fun you have to pay us for it" crackdown.
- tom moody 3-30-2007 4:57 am

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