tom moody
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I telephoned the Washington offices of my senators and congressman this morning about Iraq. The polite but bored phone-answerers got the following earful: "Hi, I'm a constituent, and I'm just calling to say that I'd like [the elected rep] to vote against any resolution giving the President broad, open-ended powers to start a war against Iraq. Declaring war is Congress's job under the Constitution, not the President's. Fighting Iraq is a personal obsession of George Bush's, and Senators and Congressmen, particularly Democrats, should stop looking over their shoulders to see how everyone else is voting, listen to their constituents (most of whom oppose the war), and stand up to the President. It's time to focus on more important matters, like the economy. I'm calling on my own behalf and not as part of some orchestrated campaign: I think Congress is out of touch and needs to listen to voters." Universal response from operators: "Thank you, Mr. Moody, I'll pass your message along to [the elected representative]."