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Assuming this isn't a hoax about Susan Sontag writing lyrics for Fischerspooner, it should be noted that the words were a rather pale retread of Fear's "Let's Have a War" ("let's have a war/jack up the Dow Jones...let's have a war/so you can go and die, etc") from 1982 or so. May she rest in peace but this had to be said.
Another more or less verbatim art world (Williamsburg) conversation, from last weekend.
[Artist A is having an opening. Moody and Artist A discuss Artist A's work at some length, then the subject of "digital art" generally, then the recent Lucas Samaras show, which Artist A didn't see and asks Moody to describe. It is a pleasant enough conversation until Barger walks up.]
Barger: I hope you don't mind if I barge in on your discussion here.
Artist A: Not at all.
Moody: Not at all.
Artist A: He was just telling me about the Lucas Samaras show.
[Moody recaps briefly and finishes the point he was making. Barger stares at Moody with what can only be described as defiant blankness, then turns to Artist A.]
Barger: So, Artist A, I really like the [describes technique] in your prints! It's just great!
[Moody realizes it is, after all, Artist A's opening, and it's never exactly rude to derail a discussion to give the honoree a compliment, so he waits a moment or two until a third person joins the conversation, then exits the group, mainly to get away from Barger.]
![SCREENFULL Cubicle](
SCREENFULL is lending a thoughtful hand helping me to put up new drawings in my cube and/or has hijacked my current exhibition space. Thanks, guys.
UPDATE: That's some pretty seamless photoshoppery they're doing. If they decide to turn to the dark side (corporate media) they could be rich and live in that cube thing they're building down on the Lower East side! My own skills don't include being able to turn imagery on a plane so that it's seen at various perspective angles. It's the reverse process of the technology used to "rectify" the Pollock photos so that Pepe Karmel could divine their ultimate secret: that underneath all that messy abstraction lay the all important HUMAN FIGURE!