tom moody
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Films and/or vids projected against a Williamsburg building exterior at Secret Project Robot. The one-day-only Monster Island Arts & Music Festival, on Sept. 16, was not notable for its sub-slacker gallery art but the moving images outside really popped.
Update: I found this email from Nick Hallett that explains a bit more about the projections: "NEXT SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 16th: as part of the MONSTER ISLAND ARTS & MUSIC FESTIVAL, HARKNESS A/V is hosting its one year anniversary. MIGHTY ROBOT, BRADLEY EROS, SETH KIRBY, and TOM DEXTER will join visual forces atop the fortress of Monster Island (in Williamsburg at Metropolitan and Kent), throwing their images onto the giant gas tanks directly across the street. More info to come." Still waiting for that info, but the work looked great.
Update 2: In a subsequent email Hallett added "visiting guest artist: BORIS (from the MODUL8 team)" to the roster.
Red and Green 1-4, 1991, acrylic on canvas, ea. 10 x 8 inches. The red and green* are closer in value than in these photos and vibrate pretty seriously. The "obnoxious Op" factor is critical to these (not previously exhibited) paintings. I had a dream last night about a group of paintings that looked like this--only they were much more elaborate, on shaped panels that followed some of the contours.
*turquoise green, which the camera and possibly your screen makes appear more as a blue.